
By Cygnus


This is my kind of 'social media', where the social bit is the chums and the medium is a camera!

With the Ards Man off with the walking group in the Lake District, the 'other halves' left at home went for a yomp along Ballymacormick Point. It was VERY mucky and we all got totally clabbered! I am definitely going to buy myself some wellies, as I had to mince around the outside of the puddles and mires, whereas I really wanted to plough through them!

I was trailing behind, too, as I kept stopping to take photos. Anyway, we eventually all met up at a coffee shop of some repute and I was introduced to Mary's mum and dad. Mary had organised the walk and was then taking her parents to see 'Hello Dolly' in Belfast. They are in their 90s and were so lovely! Very chatty and funny and still extremely mobile. I hope Mary has their good longevity genes! Mary's dad is a real charmer and treated us all to coffee and buns. A very good start to the weekend.

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