
By Marlytyz

Cupcake Heaven

The most wonderful Boulangerie has opened in Welleswood, a village just outside Torquay. It is run by a French man who takes his work very seriously. Today, we had coffee and quiche with melt in the mouth pastry sitting at one of the two tables he has set up in the shop. He bemoaned the fact that people wouldn't pay for quality and described how someone drove up in a brand-new Mercedes and refused to pay £1.90 for an elaborate fruit tart, saying it was too expensive.
We then heard that our house in Brighton was under offer. They did knock us down in price quite considerably, but I am of the mind that you win some, you lose some, with this house selling game. Of course, the house we like, which needs a huge amount of work, will not budge a penny on price. So here we go again. It is a little bit scary and enormously exciting.

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