at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


Ivy and I are back home. She's the best travel compaunion :) joking to Euan that I could take her back packing round Europe, I think if we had more money id be tempted.

We got back slightly earlier than planned after Don and Elena very kindly came to get us. (with a carseat we borrowed from amother generous friend) so went to suprise Euan in his classroom. The smile ivy gave him was so broad and lasted so long it brought a tear to both mine and Euan's eyes (not even going to pretend not to be soppy it was the cutest thing ever). She obviously had missed him and was thrilled to see him again.

This is ivy being shown the van Der graph generator. Euan showed her it making sparks and blowing tin foil pie dishes off his head - but she didn't find any of that as exciting as her reflection. When she's a bit bigger a trip to daddies lab is going to be the most exciting thing ever!

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