an older sister...

...can be a challenge

to grow up with

this is my older sister - there is an age difference of nearly 7 years between us - while she is the elder - i am the youngest in the family - she enjoyed being bossy to me - i remember (fondly) hating her on many occasions for this reason - we had to share a room after many years - and it didn't go well - i think it was due to our age difference - at that point in time - it was too great for us to conquer - we were both very strong willed

time passed - she moved away - our relationship changed - became more friendly - deepened into what it is now - although she continues to be bossy - challenging - and i struggle with her always feeling like she needs to be right - perfect in every way - controlling - that her way is the only way - i've learned to simply hold my tongue - let it be - although in a recent conversation with her - turns out our mother treated both of us in a similar fashion growing up - in that we each would get punished if something wasn't cleaned "just so" - the way in which mom thought it needed to be - and each of us believed we were the only one she did this to - was controling with - funny how that goes - it's where our own perfectionism comes from - it also helped me understand my sis's interactions with me - giving me the ability to cut her some slack when we talk - 'cuz i get it now - after all these years - we were just little girls - in some ways - we still are

we all need to treat each other with special kindness - treading softly - because you just never know - what's gone before - what's happened to each of us - so be careful to those around you today - give a hug - a smile - some love and make it...


happy day.....

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