Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Flashlight Tag - You're it!

Today was a wet, cold day with snow and rain mix. On days like today, the pups don't want to venture out much, especially the "princess" Peri. She hates getting her feet wet. It is funny to watch how she will do anything to avoid stepping in something wet. She doesn't mind the snow too much, as long as it is a fairly dry snow. But if it is mushy, forget it.

So, the three snuggled down and slept most of the day while J supervised the electrician, and I ran errands and worked on paperwork. The painter mysteriously showed up today and finished the rest of the painting for this phase (well, except for one door). I guess the "boss" got after him.

But, towards late afternoon, Iggins had another "attack". I never know whether to call it a seizure or what since the vet doesn't know what it is either. Anyway, it wasn't too bad and he came out of it after a couple of minutes. But he has had some labored breathing and seemed pretty tired. Until . . .

This evening, I got my flashlight and decided to play flashlight tag with Peri. She loves this game. She is the only one of the three that delightly chases any reflection or light. Iggins and Wally might chase her for a minute or so, but mostly will just stare at her as though they are asking "What are you doing? What's wrong with you?". She doesn't care. She is thrilled to be scrambling all over the room chasing a beam of light (NO, I don't use laser pointers - a lower beam flashlight works just as well). Thankfully, I was able to get a couple of decent shots. Otherwise, you might have gotten a blip of my feet!

I liked the mono version of this shot best. But here is the color version. Let me know what you think.

Hope you all had a great week! And I hope you have an even better weekend.

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