Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Photo by Mr. Fun

I hadn't been home for very long this afternoon, when I realized that I had left my flash drive in my computer at my campus office. CRAP!

So when Mr. Fun phoned to let me know he was soon to arrive home, I let him know that I needed to head back to my office to retrieve it. Thankfully my office is a very short distance from home. If there were a back entrance into the college campus, it would be about three blocks from here.

Anyway, I drove the two of us to the campus. I handed him my camera as I got out of the car and told him to take some photos while I was gone and that I'd be right back. This is the best of what he captured. He thought he was quite clever to capture the sign. I think he is more impressed that I get to park in the faculty parking, than I am. Maybe it is because I've been doing so for years now, but actually, I think the fact that I have to pay $50 a semester for my parking permit takes the thrill away.

I had lunch with the chair of my department today, Melissa. We needed to discuss a student issue. I have a student from last semester who did not pass my class and he is now throwing a tantrum, calling it discrimination, and has filed a complaint. Thankfully I kept a fabulous paper trail of his projects and his emails, so his complaint against me is not looking valid.

So that was our lunch conversation. We also spoke just briefly about our colleague Mike who died last week of a massive heart attack. I think we are all still stunned and shocked.

Rain is predicted for tonight and for most of the weekend.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. This is being posted a day late because my photos were on the chip in my camera and I had neglected to download them.

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