Journey Through Time

By Sue

Happy Birthday!!

Not a very exciting birthday blip for me, but it happens that way sometimes. I got my auntie, we did a few errands then came back to my house and I finished getting ready for our dinner out. Our son came over and then we all went to a Mexican restaurant that we'd never tried before. It was busy and the food was good, so we deemed it a success. This is Bill's margarita with our son in the background. After dinner we came home, had a little dessert, had the basketball game on because my husband is a basketball fanatic, and then the party was over. See, nothing very exciting. I received money from all and that goes towards my new external hard drive that I don't know how to use yet, and to help with the framing of a photo from a Blip friend. I'm excited to see how it will turn out.

My aunt was only 17 when I was born and when they brought me home, she was in the back seat, holding me tight. My father kept saying, "Don't drop her!" My mother said that Joan (her little sis) and I were okay and to pay attention to his driving. I bet my aunt never in a million years thought that things would work out like they did, and she'd still be hanging around me. All these years later (68 if you must know), we are taking her home, she in the back seat of our car. I didn't hold her, however. ;)

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