Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Emergency blip

Phoned up Trail Finders today to see about cancelling the holiday. J managed to find the same hotel £500 cheaper yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately I had already put a deposit down with Trail Finders to book the hotel room for the more expensive price if it was available. It was, so it was all confirmed.
When I called them they asked why and I explained. They then asked, as they were the hotels preferred travel agent, if they could get the same price would I keep the booking with them. So they are away talking to the hotel tonight to try and match the price. Hopefully they will and we won't need to loose the £200 deposit.
Left work and did the shopping. As J is here all this week and it’s our wedding anniversary on Saturday I got her some flowers. Just enough time tonight for a quick semi arty photo of some of them.

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