Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Alien Invasion

Left work early to get back in time to get to Trail Finders to book the holiday. We have chosen Sugar Ridge hotel on Antigua. Just wanted to see what rooms were available before checking out prices tonight.
While J headed home to get tea ready I went to St Andrews square. There is a display of light on at the moment and I have been meaning to try and take some photos of it. I was also looking for an Abstract photo for the monthly challenge.
After taking a few other shots I decided to leave. On the way out this section caught my eye. The way the fibre optical cables come out from the brain (control box) and light up the ball just reminds me of some sort of alien in one of the old B movies in the states.
Hopefully it is just an art exhibition and my imagination doesn’t turn out to be correct.

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