The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Sisterly Love

It was a cuddly start to the day. Paul in agony, going back to bed to get comfortable. In the eleven years we have been together I have never seen him in pain (v. high threshold!) and he has never gone back to bed! It's quite unnerving. I walked the girls and we had a little breakfast before him resting and me doing some school work.

I cooked a nice brunch mid morning and then we laid out on the lounge floor with the girls. Lots of nice cuddles. Quality time.

After dog walk number two, Paul headed off to Cannock at 2pm and I went swim training. Home for another dog walk and now I'm about to cook some grub. Pippa and I are grumpy with Lottie as she ran off on walk three and ignored us. So we ran home, shut the gates and made her sweat when she eventually came home. Pip had eaten her tea and Lottie panicked that she might not get hers!!! But I know she won't learn anything from this experience!

Early bed. Lots of training to do this week. Hope you doc has lots of answers for you tomorrow and you get some sleep tonight.xx

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