Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The man

The man who never reads
lives only once.

George R.R Martin

Book club day. I haven't had time to read or join the book club for several occasions and just thought I make time today. We'd red a novel, a rather funny one about a man called Ove. He's a grumpy man and gets into funny situations with his neighbors, and with a cat.
Most of us thought that the book was good and we had a nice talk about it. We'v also talked about reading different biographies and then make a short review about them. I'v already ordered a book from one of the book sales, written by Kofi Annan, so I thought it was a fun idea!

A rather stupid thing happened when I ordered this chai latte. I'm used to get a tea bag with chai tea and this one looked more like coffee… so I asked. And I didn't get a straight answer at first, but when I finally did there had been some misunderstandings and I felt really, really stupid. :D But it was tasty! :)

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