
By KenH

Photography Show Blip Meet

25+ blippers descended on The Photography Show at the NEC, Birmingham today. Co-ordinated by John Gravett the blip meet became more a blip mob as old friends greeted one another and we tried to put names and handles to the faces we did not recognise. As you would expect when a large group of blippers get together cameras were flourished and photographs were taken. The meet became a show attraction in its own right as people hovered on the fringe of the group wondering what was going on or who was the 'celebrity' at the centre of the hubbub ( John of course).
My image is of Draco and PaulaK comparing notes potential blips.
To everyone who attended it was great to meet you and put names to faces.
{Although if you ask me tomorrow I will know you were there but the name will have gone I suspect.}

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