It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Shark Attack

Surprisingly, I didn't feel totally dead this morning after yesterday's exertions. The weather forecast was poor though and I wasn't feeling good enough to do 4-5 hours on the bike in the rain. Rather, I decided to stay in bed and read. The weather cleared just after 10am so I decided to head out for no more than 90 minutes.

I got as far as the top of the climb in Mellor and decided to turn through Rowarth and back home. There's so such thing as an easy ride in the Peak District but my legs weren't that bad on the final climb. Unfortunately, the roads were filthy and my bike needed a thorough wash as soon as I got home.

I had beans and cheese on toast for lunch, a brilliant recovery food and then fell asleep for an hour. I awoke and decided to watch The Voice. This is one of the few mainstream shows I like on the TV.....god knows why! Maybe it's because the people on it are actually certainly couldn't be because of Kylie!

Then I had a long shower and a shave. I was trying out new Turkish Shark razor blades and I am happy to say they are brilliant. Since Rosemary got me a double edge razor for my Christmas, shaving has become a ceremony rather than just one of these things you do! I then lazed about for a bit and then decided to do a bit yoga and self-massage (no it's not a euphemism!).

Rosemary called just as I had got positioned perfectly with my legs up the wall.... I balanced being faintly irritated at her timing with the fact that I was pleased to hear her chirpy voice. She and her new race partner Sophie had won the Open 5 race at Cannock Chase so that meant she and her regular race partner Lucy had won the series!

It was then into town for swimming. I hadn't seen Jo the coach for ages and she had a joyfully technical set in store. I really struggled as it involved coordination, something that I'm not gifted with. Still, it was nice to get in the water for a wee while and my time certainly wasn't wasted!

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