It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Balls to Ego

My day started and will end with this wee massage ball. I use it to get deep into my piriformis muscle which is causing me no end of discomfort at the moment. The ball, whilst way too expensive for what it is, is firmer than a tennis ball and has a pointy bit that works a bit like a finger. Such toys offer far more benefit than bling shiny bike bits.

I was awake early and managed to watch The Musketeers before work. I love it as it reminds me of the type of thing my dad and I would love to watch together. I delighted in the swashbuckle and he delighted even more watching the heroines! I can just imagine him pretending he was Cardinal Richelieu, the type of character he was so good at. Dad played Fagin in Oliver Twist a few times and Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof was his party piece! I sometimes forget how much I loved my Dad.

The early start was to no avail though as I tried to end up getting too much done before work and ended up leaving the house 20 minutes late. Boom! I smashed it in on the bike, saving several minutes on my usual time. Wonder Woman would have been proud at how quick I got showered and changed! I actually made it to my desk early! I had lunch with Monica which I always enjoy. My life never seems so bad when I hear how busy she is!

The day went slowly after a frantic few weeks. It was exciting too though as everything for my next webinar was finalised, ready for the publicity blurb to go live on Friday. I was feeling a bit tired on the way home but my legs seem to be working well. Some guy sat on my wheel from Hyde to part way up the hill beyond Godley, whereafter he kicked hard to drop me! Poor etiquette! men of a certain age have to prove themselves? Cock! I moved into a bigger gear, upped the cadence and got onto his wheel! The egotistical MAMIL tried to drop me but I wasn't having it! I'd show him! I smashed it, getting almost 10 bike lengths immediately. Then I turned right, into Hattersley sensing that he would go straight on. Thereafter, I dropped into a granny gear and twiddled home, smugly knowing that my competitor's ego was in tatters!

I was starving when I got home so cooked up some pasta with mushrooms, spinach and double cream. Just a hint of vinegar makes such a simple dish amazing! I somehow managed to leave enough for lunch tomorrow but was still starving. Hmmmm....I had limited supplies so griddled some pineapple, one of my oat groat bars and then made a sherry, honey and ginger reduction! Heston would have been proud! It was sooooo tasty.

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