
Something weird is happening.
Every night at midnight something is causing a momentary power cut. The only way we know about this is that when we wake up we notice the clock on the alarm is flashing, but to within minutes of the correct time.


Perhaps it's the Y2K bug hitting 14 years and three months late?

A good day today. My lovely husband took the littlest up the park with the middle boy for rugby training, leaving the eldest and I to dismantle the spare cot (finally) and do a bit of cleaning. We did well and rewarded ourselves with a couple of rich tea biscuits and a trip up to the park to join the post training play.

After lunch we played and worked in the garden and then rounded the afternoon off with a trip to the tip, the charity shop and the car wash.

Tea and then Mr Bean's Holiday (99p in Barnardos!) before bed for the young three and some summer adventure planning for us older ones.

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