
Here's Mason - licking the air or something.

Got paid today for a job. Bit of a mix up in communication, but got some money which means I'm running out and buying as much material as I can before it gets spent elsewhere. That way I can get this job done.

First thing I'm buying is an airhammer. My wife decided last night that the bathroom really does need to be redone rather than cleaned and put back together. Doesn't bother me as for some reason it's not coming together as I liked. Will take another week to get this done, but I'm not too fussed. Would hate to show people this old awful bathroom after showing rest of the house.

However there is the small matter of a lot of old tile to come down. And seeing as my wife spent 2 days doing the last one I figure we needed a new tool - enter Mr Air Hammer. We'll buy it tomorrow.

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