Back in Demolition Mode!

Love ripping things apart, the bit that I hate isn't when it's all ripped apart and you have to put it back together, but when you are half way through getting it back together and can't quite see the end.

Started ripping this out on Monday in fact, but today carried on after down the other wall. By the time I finished there was no vanity, no sink, no toilet. Tried to rescue the popcorn ceiling (that everyone hates) but I'll have to scrape that off tomorrow as well. Pity really as my wife mentioned "only nice thing in that bathroom". Doh.

The other thing that's staying is the shower enclosure. Something odd is that it doesn't actually fit the room very well, and nor is there any access to the plumbing either - which is why the previous owner cut a hole in it and created an access panel! Fraid I'm going to have to live with that.

Not sure where I'll get to tomorrow with this. I'd like everything down, ceiling scrapped and everything tidied up. Then Friday can start with the new paneling going straight up. I'd love to rescue the old drywall but that ain't happening.

Another strange thing about this bathroom was the door frame. After we bought this house I was testing the toilet, and realised that the frame wasn't straight. It was lopsided as if the house had moved. After getting everything apart I realised the door was actually straight, and the walls are at an angle. Mentioned this to the wife and she asked a question - are the walls cracked? They're not. Which means this house was built with a bathroom wall that isn't actually straight, it leans in by about 3/4 inch over 8 feet.

The other strange news is that we decided to keep Mason. Well at least for now. If we can get the two dogs to actually coexist peacefully, that's half that battle. The other half of the battle is to stop Mason marking the house.

This evening we found something he must have marked yesterday, it had brown spots on the plastic that he'd marked. A slow dawning of all the marks in the previous house that I cleaned up and then painted over.

What we had called the Coke Wars at Marine was in fact dog pee. Whoever had lived there, had not only lived in squalor, but had let their dog pee on everything. I'm trying to work out what disgusts me more - Mason marking our house (and us cleaning it up), or the vast amounts of pee that myself and my wife cleaned up at Marine. I think Marine wins.

It just goes to show that some people really do live like animals.

Saw a guy walking with his trousers round his ankles yesterday, they were so low that he had to walk with an almost chimp like walk. Who knew the missing link was wandering round Walmart. Maybe some humans are closer to animal planet than we thought.

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