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By mly

Day #12 - a new camera

If you want the full background for this project, see Day #1.

The choice of list item to blip today for the project was chosen the moment I spotted this blip by A line allows progress/acircledoesnot. THAT's how happy you are when you get a new camera! Her entry text really says it all too :) This pic of mine shows me cradling the camera Canon's service center lent me when I left my baby there for a sensor clean and fixing some other little things, so technically this camera is new to me even though it's the same model as my own... oh well, it was the best I could do without spending a ridiculous amount of money getting the camera I want next ;)

So, let's evaluate "a new camera":
- easy to blip: Quoting acircledoesnot: "That being said, expect a daily picture for a very long time right now" so a definite +1 :)
- feelgood: Just look at her picture! +1
- nice to be around: not applicable (0)
- availability: It's ALL yours! +1
Words that came to mind: "energized" +1 "excited" +1 "anticipatory" +1 (all quotes from acircledoesnot of course :))

So, how much easier does a new camera make blipping? The results are in, the points are tallied and "a new camera" is currently valued at +6 points!

Evaluated items so far:
+6 new inspiration from somewhere, anywhere
+6 a new camera
+5 exotic vacations
+4 new lenses for sure
+4 another kitten or two
+4 a project
+4 a boat
+3 a baby
+3 a pond in my backyard with lovely fall foliage
+3 an assistant
+2 inner peace
+1 a pat on the back

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