
By Grimsayer

The Archaeologist's Apprentice again

At last a really Spring like day. Up with the lark and off to Baleshare for a walk on the beach. With really high tides at present the result of erosion of the Iron Age sites on the shore is apparent on a daily basis. As a consequence pottery and other bits and pieces gets to the surface and we have a look to see what has been exposed before it gets washed away forever. Today a lot of pottery - almost 40 sherds - although none of it was very exciting. Still a buzz to see pottery for the first time since it was last used nearly two thousand years ago.
After that, fortuitously, our orchard of six apple trees arrived early in the afternoon and Tricia had the pleasure of planting those whilst I had a few hours on my wall. The wall is now one course of stones higher but I need some fill before I can go too much further. Stones are running short too....

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