Smile in the sky

Tonight was the first meeting of Jude's writing group. There were five of us and we met in the Chimney Bar at the Marriott. I have spent the day writing my piece for was like getting blood out of a stone. The opening sentence had to start with ...What are you doing here?...I had initially planned a ghost story with the souls of people who had jumped to their deaths from a bridge sitting like a flock of birds on the metal girders but the words got stuck in the pen. I ended up with another foiled bank robbery...hey ho.

The day was glorious, it was cold but sunny and I slaved over a story and missed it. I grabbed my camera as I arrived at the Marriott and took one shot as I got out of the car. It is grainy and boring and doesn't really show the beautiful smile cradled in the arms of the old moon, but I'm snuggled up with a hot water bottle now and have no intentions of taking any others tonight.

Note to self...must try harder tomorrow!

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