
By hgpayne

License Obsession

I'll admit it. I have a thing for license plate numbers. Not necessarily the fancy ones you get to make up yourself, but the ones you (or sadly everyone else) get just through the luck of the draw.

I'm sure to you, and most likely the owner, this plate is nothing special, but to me, it would be a plate with my initials, and even in the right order. How cool is that?

OK, I already admitted it was an obsession of mine. My lock screen on my computer is another serendipitous license plate, and that one even has cool numbers. The plate reads "5EXY444". COOL, right? (What, you don't get I'm too 5exy 444 my car?)

Sadly, this was the only photo I took all day, so it will have to pass for today's blip.

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