
By BrownBuddy1

Highland Hospice Cafe

When I went to do my normal shift in the Hospice today I learnt that our cook, Marion and her team are in the final of Radio 4's Food and Farming Awards 2014. There are two other cooks, a school and a hospital making up the 3 teams.

I always knew that her cooking is delicious but I didn't realise that she did so much more to make sure that the patients and their visiting family members have exactly the right meals to suit them . Including their personal favourites, nutritionally correct meals and themed meals. She caters for the unit, for the staff and the busy coffee shop, fundraising events and for all the meetings and courses that take place in the Hospice. Best of all she is always smiling and joking, if you need a good laugh you can always go into the kitchen to join in the general banter. Also she looks exactly how a cook should look!

If you are ever in Inverness do pop into the Cafe to have one of her famous scones. My favourite being the sultana and orange.

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