Pancake day!

Pancakes are one of my favourite foods. I do have them occasionally throughout the year, but really this is the main night I partake in them. I really should have them more often.

I know Shrove Tuesday was traditionally for using up the goodies in the cupboard before Lent begins, but as I'm an atheist, I clearly don't do it for that. It's all for the love of the pancakes, and for the many many happy childhood memories. Thanks Mum!

Once you know how to flip a pancake properly, you never ever forget. Oh when I say pancake, of course I mean crepe, I don't recognise any other variety of pancake.

Last year I forgot to make them. Doh. But the year before I got a cracking shot of my flipping skills. So I had to try and beat it this year. I think I did it, what do you think?

ps. Not to worry, I did go for a run to mitigate these bad boys!

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