A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

A little light on dark places

Its Friday night. My head is empty!

Have been doing lots of tidying up - around the house, cleaning all the framed pictures which were filthy. Also been trying to consolidate and organise the 50000+ photos on my computer. I have started so I will finish...but its going to be a bit of a task and a half! However, as I have been fairly trigger happy with the camera, and more often than not, have just uploaded everything, done what I wanted to do, and then left my organisation at that, I KNOW I have thousands of crap photos, which are just clogging up my disk space, and my backup space too.

So its time to do some Feng Shui on my hard disk.

Might end up being an interesting trip into dark, forgotten sections of my memory of the last 2 years.

Thanks for comments about my portrait of Victoria Pendleton last night. The kids at school were really taken with her - so much so that I have answered lots of questions and found clips of her race winning performances on Youtube for them to watch - I have heard "WOw, she's awesome" more times than I can remember today - its great to see them inspired.

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