Always looking...

In between chivvying children, walking the dog and general domestic duties, I spent today immersed in the world of the late Tim Stead.

I Blipped a portrait of Stead in wood by Eduard Bersudsky yesterday. This is on show at Low Parks Museum in Hamilton alongside a host of exquisite sculptures in wood by Stead from a career spanning almost 30 years.

He died aged just 48 in 2000 and it's hard not to imagine the direction his work might have gone had he survived the cancer which cut him off on his prime.

Some of his last works, which he called Excavations, are small and deep cave-like carvings which defy description.

Part sculpture, part re-imagined living organism, they are like tiny caves waiting to be explored.

I was looking through TIM STEAD Object Maker and Seed Sower, a lovely wee book which has been produced to tie in with a touring exhibition of the same name, when I came across the words, 'there are no answers only questions'.

They stopped me in my tracks because it's so very George Wyllie.

Despite an age gap of 30 years, George and Tim were friends and there is a lot of common ground in their approach to life and art.

George believed the question mark was central to all things and even called himself a scul?tor as a nod to this philosophy.

Always looking. Never satisfied. Keep asking the questions...

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