Art in the City

I met my friend, artist and actor, Charlie Jamieson, today for a coffee and a catch-up in Glasgow.
Afterwards we went to the Leiper Gallery, a new gallery on West George Street, which I wrote about in The Herald two weeks ago.
It's a lovely wee space which was once the private gallery where Van Gogh's friend, legendary dealer, Alexander Reid, plied his trade.
Works by Picasso, Matisse and Van Gogh once flew off the walls here. Apparently JD Fergusson had his first solo show in this place.
Today, there is a great selection of work for sale by contemporary Scottish artists, including Charlie, Sue Biazotti, Liz Knox, Paul Kennedy and brother Adam Kennedy.
The painting in this magnificent window is by Annette Edgar. It's got so many layers. Literally. Look hard enough and there are words embedded in the paint.
I was extolling the virtues of Blipfoto to Charlie as he's a fab photographer. His book about Glasgow is a visual and verbal treat.
As a result, he's now signed up to Blip as CharlesJamieson.
He has no subs apart from me! Sub him please Blippers!

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