Sort yourself out Suzanne...

The last day of the month perhaps has lent itself to me sorting out something I have wanted to do for a while.... A big clean up of my scattered around numerous places makeup.
It was brilliant finding all these forgotten eyeshadow & pencils, & I look forward to exploring & experimenting with new colour combinations!
I also dyed my hair black on a whim...

Last night Alex suggested about Ferguson & I travelling to Hull tomorrow to join his family trip to York.
The manner in which he said
"You probably won't but would you like to..." rubbed some wrong vibes but nonetheless I made arrangements with Ian for an early morning pick up.
When we spoke later on in the evening following completion of Film Night, it was simply the manner & tone of Alex's almost sarcastic reply of "Going to York..." when I asked what his Saturday schedule was, that unravelled things for me.
"Yes, I know, I didn't ask what you were doing, I know you're where going & meant your timings.."
This, in an unfortunate blink of an eye, completely changed my mind about my plans for tomorrow...& I neglected to bring it up in remaining conversation.
A leisurely day lies ahead.

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