Nespresso QUERTY

Continuing the double exposure theme.

Boys night tonight but numbers are drastically low. I suspect certain regulars have had their masculinity challenged and are being prevented by their other halves from coming out. Shame as the more of us there are, the more varied and intellectually challenging the discussion. Highlight from last month was the 'Monty Hall' problem, which briefly is:

~ There are three doors, one has a Ferrari behind it, the other two, goats.
~ You choose a door.
~ Monty, having no preference for any particular goat or door, will open one of the two doors you haven't chosen, revealing a goat.
~ This will leave two doors still closed, the door you originally chose, and the door that Monty could have chosen to open, but didn't.
~ One of these two remaining doors has a goat behind it, the other a Ferrari.
~ Will you increase your chance of winning the Ferrari if you switch from your original choice, and ask Monty to open the other door?

The answer is yes. If you change your mind you increase your chance of winning the Ferrari but most people believe it makes no difference. They believe the odds to be 50/50 which is not the case. I think I managed to explain it eventually, but it took at least 1 1/2 pints to get there.

For anyone who gives a damn, here is an explanation.

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