
By Thepainterswife

Keep on going......

This city is having a really rough time.

After the weather disaster of the past two days we have at least woken up blue skies and a calm morning, but for alot of people there is alot of clearing up to do.
The serious amount of rainfall caused the most flooding the city has seen for decades, which is a result of the earthquakes changing the way our land now lies, and this is going to be a big headache for the Government to try to sort out ,as alot of people are wondering if they can actually stay living in certain areas that are bound to flood again and again.
And as if this is not enough of a mess to sort out, these people are still trying to sort out property damage from the earthquakes themselves!

I was in town early and saw these posters(, on a damaged building!) which are highlighting the awareness to keep in touch with family/friends, and also the fact that it is ok to feel that you are not coping all the time!!

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