Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Other Rose

This is not the yellow rose, but the other rose bush that just seems impossible to capture in a photo that is not blurry, so I've tweaked this somewhat -- but I like the results.

I've spent much of the day filing and sorting paperwork in preparation for the annual tax man appointment. I'm not sure why I call him the "tax man" because actually, I think he helps us to avoid paying anymore tax than we absolutely have to. Our appointment is this coming Monday evening. Oh what fun!

The weather warmed here today. Every time I walked out into the back yard, I was surprised and wanted to just stay there and enjoy it. Then we had serious cloud coverage as the sun went down and it looked a bit like winter. I don't think rain is predicted, though, and we do need more rain.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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