English Girl in Berlin

By EnglishRose

Maison Rouge

It was a beautiful morning in Paris so I walked down the Bastille and had a wander around the Marché d'Aligre. The streets looked so colourful lined with fruit, vegetable and flower stalls in the sunshine. I then went to La Maison Rouge and saw the current exhibitions - il me faut tout oublier (Berlinde de Bruyckere and Philippe Vandenberg) and L’asile des photographies (Mathieu Pernot et Philippe Artières), photographs from the archives of the Picauville psychiatric hospital.

I then strolled along the banks of the Seine to La Marais. After a lunch of crepes from La Droguerie I had a wander around some of the shops before meeting E for a quick beer at Le Pick-Clops.

This evening we went for delicious dinner of cheese, bread and red wine at Vingt Heures Vin.

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