
By Raestelle

..."And The Next Day" ...

..John's always said that I could envisage or foretell things that are going to happen in the future..that's probably why I wasn't looking forward too much to that cataract operation, such a little op. really, simple and all over in no time..

...Well it should have been - but lucky me - I again became sensitive to the normal steroid drops they put in one's eye(s) to help mend the area where they've operated upon..

...And I spent a day becoming more miserable every time those drops were administered... (by John, he's becoming an expert at that now!!)... and by 4:00am I was at Emergency and lots of phonecalls were made to the city opthamologists on duty and by 7:30 a.m. we were off again to the big City 5 hours away to see the Opthamologist team at this very big hospital..

...I was so well looked after, 3 young doctors all working together, and within a short time, after lots of tests again, they changed my medication together with an anti inflammatory as well as painkillers..and instructions to put MORE drops in, like 6 times a day and not 4xd..

...But whilst we're in the City - we always make a little break of our time and tomorrow - I'll show you another blip of the Seaside, and not the river, just for a change...

...I'm so very sorry I haven't been able to answer your very caring, thoughtful[, and loving comments on my blip of yesterday and the day before - there are some very special people in this world, yes there are, and please do remember that you too, are among those special people, you may not think so at times, but yes you really are, you do count to make this World a special place in our hearts when we are not feeling at all well, or when things don't go as expected, which ofcourse, happens to all of us at times, doesn't it...

...Thankyou so much for your wonderful words of care..they will not be forgotten...XXXX Estelle

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