
By JimBob79

Proof of purchase?

If any of you read yesterday's blip regarding the formula that comprises Lady A + holiday = buys things (for any algebra students out there that's L+H=BT) this proves it. So today our new sofas arrived... In fairness they are very nice but I must confess I am now very concerned for the future of the two fat furballs otherwise known as Teds & Jess the cats. Regardless of whether humans can actually fit through the very narrow gap between these two sofa mountains the cats can and if they so dare as look at these two bad boys they are seriously going to feel the wrath of Lady A. Now - I must admit in the past I've indulged them by letting them sleep on blankets or eat out of the fridge when Lady A is at work but to even consider letting them in here? Nope not worth it. I know where my bread is buttered and as much as the cats don't have a furry seal called Kent they would rightfully lose out if it were a choice. So - gone, for at least the next 7 years anyway, are the days of the cats watching Home Alone or Bargain Hunt with us. They ain't seeing this room again that's for sure. I'm also not allowed to eat my dinner whilst on the sofas which in fairness is a very good strategy.

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