Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


Hurried through the bookstore . . . not the way to enjoy these rows of wonder.

That is rather the way I felt today. We, Mr. Fun & I, were in Borders Books at Victoria Gardens in Rancho Cucamonga, but we were really stealing time that he needed to dedicate to other activity, so I felt hurried! (He had no idea I felt this way. So no blame goes to him, honest it doesn't.)

Someday I want to have a "slumberless" party all night in one of these mega bookstores with friends scattered throughout the various sections thumbing through the pages of their favorite genre -- mystery, children's, sci-fi, humor, philosophy, religion, memoir, politics, self-help -- with coffee aroma heavy in the air.

Wearing comfy clothing, all of us every couple of hours would gather in the cafe with our armload of "finds" for show n tell of the titles we'd discovered in the stacks of hundreds and why we favored them.

Some willing one could be the designated photographer to capture the night's magic and permanently preserve the moment and just before the intersection of dark and dawn, we'd watch a photo show of the night's history. Finally, we select one photo for our collective blip.

Then all would depart to return to our individual homes to slumber in the wonder, and I'd no longer tell a story of "hurried" in the bookstore.

From Southern California, good night.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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