
I try and have quite a lot of rough and tumble with Melody as research shows this helps toddlers release big emotions they can't handle yet.. Laughing and squealing instead of tantrums.. Well it sounds plausible to me - and has been pretty effective at keeping them to a minimum - here is them captured for all eternity - at least til the end of the internet

In work news, I had to meet a client who had a complaint - at 4 - they had already been a no show last week. 4.15 no sign, called him and apparently I was at the wrong place.. I had assumed we would keep the same venue - big mistake with a high functioning aspergic male! I went to the new venue and then was told off for 2 hrs :( didn't get home until 6.45 - killer - hopefully resolved the issue tho

After that I needed the wrestling more than Melody

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