Triple group

Great day with happy girl :) she can be very cross if you tell her she can't do something or have something but not today - she took everything on her stride and listened to me loads - thank you Melody

Went to 3 groups - swallows gym - great fun sprung floors and seriously equipped gym with holes filled with foam for tricks! Melody didn't want to try any beams tho or anything - just the trampoline.. Which is about right as she still has an obsession with jumping.. If it's not the tractor song 'what colour first mummy?' It's randomly jumping instead of walking

Then on too tiny tunes - which with the new teacher is different every week now.. Today we did 'movement' musical cushions, and fruit

Then ate our lunch outside with jack and Jess until it started to rain - then the third group - for the triple -bubbaliscious :) made pancakes but it was quite quiet - Melody only liked the banana and Nutella and not pancake

Made lovely pork and apple casserole - cooking all day.. Melody ate loads! And a huge choc pancake :)

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