Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Black Beauty.

J dropped me off at the gym and then he went to the hobby shop in Porthcawl. When i came out i passed Nolton church and it was open today for silent prayer. When i opened the door, there were two men sitting down. The younger one got up to greet me and said, would you like a cup of tea, we are just making one, there is no charge. I politely declined the offer, and went to sit down at the front of the church. After about five minutes i got up and passed them on my way out. He got up to open the door for me. He said, we are so glad when someone comes in. I said, do you get days when no one comes in at all , and he said yes, but you have made our day. I thought that was a lovely thing to say. I then went into the churchyard and i saw the same robin that i blipped on Wednesday, and he was on the same headstone. I could hear lots of birds singing and i was looking up into the tree and as i turned along the path i saw this blackbird. He was so close i could have touched him . I took a few photos of him ,and he really didn't seem to know i was there. I know it's my second bird on a headstone this week but i liked it , so that 's a good enough reason for me.
The news on the shower is good. He found the fault, and changed the trap that the water goes down, and it's now working a treat, and best of all, there was no charge. I am very happy to say the least. Best viewed LARGE.

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