Blue Skies

Nuffin but blue skies....oh and a bit of white fluffy cloud
and aliens...of course.
Right.. I will start from yesterday while driving home I
stuuuuuuupidly said to Mr L it would be nice to have a
hide near the ponds to spy the wild life, and we could
make it from the willow we have left so it would look
natural, he never said anything...Weeeel he must have
givin it some thought as today he dragged me squealing
and kicking down to the ponds with the idea and plans
he plans everything......he's not at all spontaneous like
me...So he only wants to start this at the weekend and I
had my busy weekend planned didn't I...watching stuff
I have recorded and's just not fair is it... I am
very hard done by don't you agree....I have just had a
thought I will slurp a few glasses of wine tonight then
I won't be fit tomorrow HA I am so clever I scare myself-:)) x
Todays weather..
Sun or Rain expected..
Dark at night....
Me :-)
Hope your all haing a nice day

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