From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

World Book Day, a day late

(Our school always do dressing up on a Friday, apparently)

I am not a great fancy dresser myself, but Little G loves an excuse to get into a costume. My suggestion that he go as Harry from Harry and the Bucket Full of Dinosaurs (i.e. wearing normal clothes) was not popular. His suggestion was something from Star Wars, but we don't have anything suitable and I've already bought enough new clothes for the various dress-up days this year so I was loathe to add more to the bill. So we settled on Captain Barnacles. A bit of a cheat, really, as Barnacles is actually a character from a TV series, but we do have some of the books that go with the series (and the series itself was originally based on books), so I was able to salve my conscience / literary snobbishness sufficiently to go along with it. And it saved me making anything!

He came home with quite an alarming bruise on his forehead, after a face-first collision with the school playground this afternoon, but has been his usual mischievous self this evening, so I'm feeling pretty confident that no lasting damage has been done.

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