
By EvelyneNC


I spotted the first blooming Magnolia a couple of days ago in our area , and, in walking distance :-)
I love these trees, they are the first to bloom in spring and have such a hard life here in Reno. Strong winds, still night frosts (what you can see on the brown edges of the blossoms). But during the day all their little "Tutus" are dancing in the sun.
I had a hard time to make a choice today. One flower? the whole tree in all its glory? I opted for a medium solution and hope that it shows both the beauty of one flower as well as the luxurious wealth of flowers, that the whole tree is offering. the other choices are here!

Dear friends, thanks again for your kind following, commenting and sending my yesterdays Blip stars and hearts. I know that they were meant for Aynil by many of you and I am sure she will read it all. I told her this morning again to look at her own page as well as mine, and she did. She is home, healing and is not fearing a return of this miserable and dangerous episode as the doctors said there is no more reason for fear.

So I wish all of you a great week end!

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