Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Temper, temper...

Due to last nights' indulgences, today was a bit of write-off for me. I just about made it through work before coming home and helping to get the wee man to bed. We're pretty sure he has Croup but his condition is pretty stable so we'll try to let nature take its course. The first 2-3 days are supposed to be the worst so if he's not on the mend tomorrow we'll reconsider the doctor - I don't think it'll be necessary though.

If we need to distract him for a few minutes we occasionally pop 'Sparkabilities' on the laptop. We naturally try to ration the TV as much as possible but he's developed such a love for it that he'll often hunt all over the house to find the laptop. As you can see by today's picture, we'd hidden it behind the new toy chest - not that it stops him any more!

He actually had his first proper little temper tantrum today. When he returned to the toy box in search of the laptop later on, he discovered that Nikki had already moved it. When she said "Oh no, the laptop has gone', the wee man responded with an angry face and an emphatic 'Grrrrrrrr!' It's quite cute really.

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