Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Home at last

Unfortunately yesterday's nap didn't quite go to plan. Unfortunately the wee lad could only muster 10 minutes before waking himself up so I ended up laying down with him so he could actually sleep. The poor bubba was so tired that at one point he fell asleep whilst say bolt upright on the bed - in between cries no less!

I ended up calling Eoin and cancelling the babysitting. I didn't think it was fair on either of them to stay at home and struggle to get him to bed. Instead I wrapped him up tight and took him over Glasgow to meet his mum at the airport.

You should have seen their faces when they clasped eyes on each other at the airport. Everyone was so happy!

Once the initial hugs were over we bundled everyone into the car and headed back to the Burgh. Fortunately I was able to do the switcheroo from car seat to cot again so the transition was pretty seamless. The same can't be said for the night.

Alas the wee man's throat was even worse last night and he just couldn't settle himself. After feeding him a bottle in the middle of the night we ended up bringing him back to bed with us.

Nikki was naturally a little sad that she wasn't able to feed him any more but the upshot was at least I got plenty of cuddles from him, rather than the usual cold shoulder.

Nikki did an amazing job breast feeding the wee man for so long so I can only imagine what it must be like to eventually stop. In some ways last night spelt the first moment of independence. Our boy is growing up.

His throat wasn't much better this morning but at least he was in good spirits. We suspect he might have Croup. Judging by the books, the third day (last night) is often the worse so we'll wait until tomorrow before taking him to the doctors. His breathing is fine so we're not too concerned. Neither is he during the day either.

Unfortunately I had to leave a jet lagged partner tending to a poorly baby tonight, as it's big brother Jagger's stag do in Leeds (he is due to be married next week). What rubbish timing...

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