
By Isabel

The Bandstand...

There are two parks in Strathaven - The John Hastie and the George Allan parks - and they are joined together. This shot is taken in the George Allan park, and shows the ornate cast iron bandstand which was installed in 1902. This bandstand is still much used today, and each year the Gala Queen is crowned there...
George Allan was only 13 years old when he died in an accident in 1887. He was an only child. His father, Reverend James Allan, donated a large amount of money to allow a park to be built to commemorate his son.
The park has given huge amounts of pleasure to many people over many years. Rev. Allan I am sure would be pleased that his memorial to his son lives on and is so much enjoyed. The name of George Allan lives on, whereas, if he had lived, he would now be long since dead... However, if Rev. Allan and his wife had had the chance to save George from disaster all those years ago, I don't think there is any doubt as to what choice they'd have made...

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