My 40th year

By 54r4h

Sunset walk

I went to Lindsay's, dropped off Heidi to play with the big kids and took the dogs for a walk as the sun was setting. I took lots of photos, half with the sun behind and then when I turned round the other half into the sun.

I went to see Kim and baby Jack today, Kim was a great vet nurse that I worked with when I was pregnant with Heidi. We became good friends and I knew how hard her journey to becoming a mum was. Now that baby Jack is here I realised that whilst Kim is a very good vet nurse she excels at being a mum. They were going off for a swim as I dashed off to get India some last minute bits for her Brownie camp this weekend.

I have packed everything in labelled food bags, campfire warm things, Saturday daytime, disco outfit, pjs, Sunday outfit, spares etc etc. In celebration of 100 years of Brownies she has gone on a 2 night stay away with 399 other Brownies. I know she will love it and that she is with her 2 good friends. They are such kind and caring friends to each other that I shouldn't worry but it is past 2am and I can't sleep for wondering how she is and how she'll cope with tomorrow. Please let it all be ok! Her excitement when I collected her from school was uncontainable and she bounced home, had a quick snack and I braided her hair as instructed. As the coach pulled away there were lots of frantically waving mums all with their fingers crossed and lots of very happy Brownies waving back.

We went off to our usual Friday meet up and Heidi got to play with Lottie and Hannah (obviously Heidi was still in her pink ballet leotard as she cannot bear to change out of it after ballet lesson). Talia and Adam were supposed to come for dinner but cancelled last minute so it was a quiet evening wondering what India was doing.

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