Does This Cat Look Guilty?

No, of course he doesn’t. Why would he look guilty? I mean, what’s the problem. I just worried myself sick that he was going to die or something, ruined my back getting him out from under the bed and dragging him to the vet (40+ mile round trip), then paid an alarming amount of money to get him back, along with drugs which I have to surprise him with twice a day. Noooooo, he doesn’t look guilty at all. He’s just his cute little charming self. Snuffy The Cute. Sir Snuffy The Cute. His Royal Cuteness, Snuffy. Pick one – they all fit.

Since I brought him home yesterday, he’s eaten more food than Lizzie, which is no small feat mind you. I’m delighted of course, although I really don’t know what happened to make him stop eating, and neither does the vet. He’s back to posing for the camera and rolling around on his back hoping I’ll scratch his stomach. He clearly has the upper paw here.

This story is nothing new. Animals have always had the upper paw with me, and I’m too old to change which is good because I don’t want to. I’ve had them and lost them and loved every one of them, and I’ll never be without as many as I can possibly afford to feed and take care of. I’ve adjusted every aspect of my life to accommodate them over the years and I’ve probably paid the equivalent of the national debt (well, almost) in vet bills. I’ve had more charge accounts at veterinarians than department stores. Too bad they don’t count as a credit reference. If I won the lottery I’d immediately create a sanctuary for strays (dogs, cats, you name it) and I’d hire people just to pet them and scratch their ears, or whatever needed scratching. I’d have a special department devoted to animals of elderly people who couldn’t take care of them anymore and I’d send them cards with pictures of their pets so they’d know they were okay and loved. I need to buy more lottery tickets though – I’m not very good at that. When I die I want to go to animal heaven, particularly the section with dogs and cats. That’s where my mother wanted to go, so I come by it honestly. It’d be nice to see her again.

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