Socialising and Grandparents

Hey…Well yes it is but I was really only trying to get your attention.
Humans often socialise around having a drink. They do it all the time and I never realised just how thirsty they must get. This is quite puzzling as you don’t see them chasing sticks and generally running around the place before they go do this. They just go have a drink. The Boss tells me that there are lots of special places that they go to do this. I just have my dish and Lake Wanaka. The lake is a really grrreat place to have a drink but I have never seen anyone wanting to do this so maybe I am missing something.
We, The Boss and The Bossess and ME went to The Wanaka A & P Show today. It’s called that ‘Cos it was started by a couple of blokes called Arthur and Pete and the name just stuck The Boss says. It was crowded, hot and crowded and terribly crowded and nearly everyone, except some dogs, were taller than ME. There was lots of stuff that I had no interest in at all except there was this stand that The Bossess was looking at that had electronic bark controllers. Unfortunately she lost the brochure when I pulled it out of her back pocket to have a better look. Oh Sorry. The Boss bought a clothes peg bag and 2 boxes of Liquorice and ginger candy. Same as last year. Same as the one I managed to completely eat before I was discovered last year. He seems a little more security conscious this year and put them in the fridge and remembered to put it back after sampling it. Bugger.

Grandparents are wonderful folk because they love children and usually dogs. But you kno how some toys are age rated…Like suitable for 5 + etc? Well they are now going to have additional ratings that say
“Not suitable for Grandparents”
This was after a local incident that involved a wonderful remote control thingie that resisted all attempts by the GP’s (grand Parents not the Doctor) to test drive. They charged it up and checked the remote and the batteries in the thingie and there was no way it was going to go.
Then the Lady Grandparent. Important info……I am a lady….ER …noticed that the little red light on the remote wasn’t. This narrowed down the issue so she had a fight with the remote and found 2 brand new fully charged nice shiny batteries inside looking at her. They were shiny ‘Cos they were stilled wrapped in cellophane. This is another story that The Boss thought was hilarious but I am struggling with.
Generally I am a little scared of battery powered remote controlled thingies ‘Cos they make the sorts of noises that lady dogs don’t like.
Anyway I would never reveal the GP’s identities so don’t ask (unless you include a 500gm block of cheese)

AND big thanks to the lovely ladies at the VetLife stand for saving mine and I am (almost) truly sorry about that little bush… Hmmmmmmm.

Curls...Just can't beat them

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