
By Shamrock6

Posh nosh

I thought I was going to a ball but it turns out there was no dancing the night away. It was a posh dinner with speeches and an auction and a raffle.

An interesting night with varied people- I literally spent a lot of my time people watching. A blast from the past for R meant we got 3 for the price of 1 on the photo front- they did also get to eat R's mum n dad's dinner as illness meant M &R couldn't come.

One of the charities was Young Carers- the lady who came to say thanks gave an amazing speech with shocking statistics on the sheer number of children who end up being Carers for their own parents who have terminal illnesses.
It is so sad to think they have to sort washing, food, shopping etc when they should be out playing. The charity gives them help and support and also time off so they can meet up every month for play time. My brain finds that difficult to process but what a worthy cause to support.xx

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