New toy

I got this stripy fella for baby when I was in Oslo although I think it was designed in Sweden and made in Russia. He rattles and baby is enthralled by anything that makes a noise so they are firm friends. I think he looks a bit like a sea monster.

Such a beautiful sunny day. The first one for a while. F put Fernando the tortoise in the garden to enjoy the sun and munch on some dandelions. That definitely signals the end of winter to me. I will have to blip Fernando or the Little Nand as we call her.

I read baby's 'report' from nursery. Under things she doesn't like it said 'waiting for her milk'. Who does?! :) Luckily it says that she does like music time, stories, playing, shouting, sitting up, clapping... She aspires to roll from her front to her back. It made me smile.

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