Weather is lovely today - dry and mild and very calm. Cats have been outside in the enclosure for most of the day. I'm going to take Tino for a little walk soon after I have done the washing up.

Didn't go with the Challenge today. Decided to mark the occasion of my wedding anniversary. Douglas and I got married on this day in 1982 and had 19 happy years together before he died.

I have a folder where I keep the wedding photos, cards, wrapping paper from gifts and a few other bits and pieces - including the receipt for my wedding ring. It is described on the receipt as Ladies Fancy Wedding Ring and cost the princely sum of £30.50. Bought in H Samuel in Newcastle. Also shown is the tag from my wedding dress which I bought in Fenwick's in Newcastle. As you can see on the photo it was just an ordinary dress nothing fancy. It cost £23. The name on the tag seemed very appropriate. ( The size on the tag is the same size I am now which seems quite amazing )

THIS SONG was played on the radio as I was getting ready to go to my wedding. Every time I hear it it brings back memories.

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