Frack Off !

There was a big anti fracking protest in the city centre today, so I decided to go along and take some pics. I met up with allisonmunro and photomediap in Piccadilly Gardens. Whilst the speakers were rallying up the demonstrators I mingled with the crowd and took lots of pics. I have to say it was very exciting getting in the thick of it as I've never had the nerve to do that before. It has certainly wetted my appetite though and I think I will look out for other causes to record. I have opened an account on a photo site and added some pics but as there were many professionals there today I doubt any of mine will be sought after...but hey you have to start somewhere.

Once the speakers had had their say the march began. I swallowed a few pills to ease my aching knee and set off with them, snapping away as I went. At the main junctions protesters staged a sit down and brought traffic to a stand still. It was glaringly bright and felt like a summer's day as we pounded the streets, ending up behind the cathedral at Urbis.

What a fracking good day!

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